Posts tagged 70s style

If you listen to even a handful of influencers answer the question "What would you tell your younger self?", usually the response is they'd tell their younger self to slow down, live in the now and know everything will be alright. Yet, when we're "growing up" (I don't believe we should ever stop growing) we're often rushing to do so.

As a child, how many of you dreamt of the day when you could stay up all night, party like there's no tomorrow and not have to answer to your parents? How'd that work out for you? Or how about when you envisioned having the perfect power-job that came with the perfect car/spouse/kids and even a dog or two? Now if you've had even the slightest version of these dreams you also lmao you gave yourself a rigid timeline to get it done.

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NYC came alive this weekend with soaring high temperatures and I couldn't resist being outside with all the other folks soaking up the glorious Spring sunshine. I ditched my Saturday chores and ventured to Brooklyn for an afternoon stroll. I stopped to smell the deli flowers along the way (NYC style), ate some pizza, did a bit of Vintage shopping and finsished the day with a little ice cream treat.

The streets were alive with vendors and artists galore and I shared quite a bit on my Instagram story. It was such a lovely day and I was in the mood for some modern-vintage 70's style.

Continue reading to see more from my day and get all the details on this entire look! 

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