Posts tagged wynwood art district

If you listen to even a handful of influencers answer the question "What would you tell your younger self?", usually the response is they'd tell their younger self to slow down, live in the now and know everything will be alright. Yet, when we're "growing up" (I don't believe we should ever stop growing) we're often rushing to do so.

As a child, how many of you dreamt of the day when you could stay up all night, party like there's no tomorrow and not have to answer to your parents? How'd that work out for you? Or how about when you envisioned having the perfect power-job that came with the perfect car/spouse/kids and even a dog or two? Now if you've had even the slightest version of these dreams you also lmao you gave yourself a rigid timeline to get it done.

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While walking around the Wynwood art district in Miami a couple months ago, I spotted what I assumed was a flamingo wall in the distance. We had just left my children in Aruba and my flamingo-radar was at an all time high. My pink laser eyes scanned everything at approximately 299,792, 458 miles per second and when I saw the top of this wall my indicator went off, I shouted Flamingo to Stef and pointed in the distance almost speechless. I'm confident you understand my reaction.    

Obviously we decided to get a better view to determine if there were indeed flamingos on said wall. Stef and I walked a few blocks and the closer we got, the more excited I became. I even whipped out my phone to share the excitement with you on Instagram story, did you catch it?  As I held my phone towards the wall and approached the building my anticipation and excitement shifted to utter disappointment. How could this be? A flamingo appeared before me but not at all what I imagined.  How could the mother of all Flamingos not be excited by this?

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You've probably been told you need a LBD (little black dress) in your closet and I'm all for it, but I'm here to let you know you need a LWD (little white dress) as well. Yes you do!

I'm all about bold prints and bright colors but a white dress is also one of my closet staples, especially during the Spring & Summer months. I love how refreshing white is after the dark & cold Winter months. Crisp, bright white provides the perfect backdrop for colorful patterns, tropical prints and bold accessories.

Continue reading to get this LWD and more, just in time for sizzling Summer days!

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