Posts tagged spring 2017

Spring is my second favorite season and every year I look forward to its arrival and renewal of all things beautiful. After several cold and dreary months, there is nothing better than fresh blooms, greenery & the chance to wear sandals. Spring provides hope of hot Summer days to come and just the thought of being sun-kissed gets me giddy.

With only a few weeks left until the official arrival of Summer, I want to share this pastel-hued look with you. Pastels are usually popular this time of year especially with floral prints while tropical prints tend to be reserved for Summer. This look intersects the two seasons perfectly; combiing the soft colors of Spring with patterns reminiscent of a tropical Summer on the islands. It's the perfect mix for a Caribbean gyal such as myself.

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It's going up to 80 degrees today in NYC and feels like we've skipped Spring and jumped right to Summer! I'm not complaining because I love the warm weather and any excuse to leave my coat where it belongs; in the closet! I plan on soaking up some sunshine today and if you're anywhere warm & sunny, I hope you do too.

It's the perfect day to step out and have a scoop or two or three because what's an 80 degree day without sweet treats?

This look is inspired by my all time favorite dessert and incorporates a few pieces I rocked last Spring.

Continue reading to get all the details and see how you can re-create this sweet look!

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