

Oh how I love the Summer! I never want to say goodbye to warm temperatures, tropical prints and frozen drinks but even when I cry into my cocktail glass, the season never listens to me!

We're now a month away from Fall and I'm trying to make peace (kinda, sorta) and simply embrace the transition because I really don't have many quarrels with Fall except it indicates #WinterIsComing and that's when my tantrums are amplified. 

During the early days of Fall, I enjoy that you can get away with wearing some of your Summer pieces, especially  pants and maxi dresses. Today I'm sharing a transitional look that can be worn on a cool Summer evening or early Fall day. 

I love a good romper/jumpsuit and these vintage pinafores fall right in that category with their length, covered buttons and unexpected color. To keep this look classic yet whimsical, I wore my pinafores with a crisp white shirt with ruffle sleeves, a DIY neck bowtie with vintage brooch atop, classic black pumps, pearl bracelets, pearl earrings with rhinestone bows, a vintage circle purse and cat-eye sunglasses.

Pinafores, ruffles and bows are often associated with children but I adore this grown up take on the look and enjoy the ability to wear a piece that's all-in-one. It makes dressing simple while giving you the ability to layer and accessorize for a different look each time! 

When I decided to style this look, I thought it would be challenging to source good culotte pinafores for you gals, but to my surprise they're on trend for Fall and that made easy to find a few options for ya! Be sure to go through my widget because I sourced some good ones!  

This vintage circle purse is actually a vintage cosmetic case that mom spotted on one of our many vintage shopping adventures. That woman has an eye like no other! I love using pieces in unexpected ways when putting together an outfit. What are some of the creative ways you use your vintage finds? 

Soaking up the sun before the chill comes. Happy Monday!