Hey everyone, I’ve had this post in draft for well over a year and today I’m elated to announce that I’ve been diligently working on the launch of Lillian & Joan. What is that you ask? Well, it’s my online accessory shop!

If you’ve kept up with my story over the years then you know I opened my first Etsy shop back in 2009 while I was in college. It was called it “Krystyle Handmade Accessories.”



After graduating college, I took a break from my accessory shop with all intentions of working on a re-brand as Lillian & Joan; a name closer to my heart. I reserved everything in 2012 and even went as far as designing a logo and adding a coming soon placeholder on my old blog but I wasn’t quite ready and put it on what I thought would be a short pause.

As a new career, life events and so many other things began to unfold for me, I lost track of time but never my vision.

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Time passed but I’ve never stopped dreaming about my shop and all the creative things I want to share and now 11years from my initial Etsy shop launch, I’m happy to bring that vision back to life.

Dedicated to my wonderful grandmother Lillian (who is no longer with us in flesh) and my amazing mom Joan, I share with you this metamorphosis & actualization of my purpose. This is a project that passion that I’ve dreaming up for years and I have so much in store for you!

Most of the pieces are in-house designed and handmade while other pieces are curated by me from my travels and released via what I’ve termed “Curated Culture” pop-up shops. I will also be releasing a vintage collection and will share more at a later time.

Learn more about my shop here and check out out recent collections here.

My hope is that you you experience love of self & share joy with others through the art of accessorizing with Lillian & Joan