Happy new week beautiful people! Today I’m sharing another swimsuit look as we quickly progress to the official start to Summer!

This one started out with this vintage lace kimono I purchased a few years ago from Goodwill Curated and besides the pretty pink lace, I love the shape of the sleeve along with the gold beaded embroidered trim finished with tassels.

To play up the kimono (which gave me goddess vibes) I wore a metallic gold swimsuit, gold accessories including l starburst headpiece, midi rings, sequin earrings and golden jewels around my eyes.

Shooting this swim look on a very windy beach day was quite the funny challenge. My hair kept blowing and tangling in the hair crown, the sun was bothering my eyes so I kept squinting, making funny faces and rubbing them which meant I essentially rubbed off all my eye jewels (insert eye roll and laughter simultaneously). By the end I was thoroughly done and yanked off my headpiece before retreating to a beach chair to relax.

Nevertheless, I got some good shots in and hope this inspires your next swim look.

Can you tell I was over it at this point? Lol!